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Late/Absence Procedures

We wish to remind parents that the children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 start school 8.40am (head to class at 8.35am).  Children in Year Reception, 1, and 2 start school at 8.50am (head to class at 8.45am).  If your child is absent, please ring the school before 8.30am. There is an answerphone so a message can be left at any time 24 hours a day/7 days a week. If your child has vomited or has diarrhoea please note they must be kept off school for 48 hours from the last episode but please ring each day of absence. 


If you do not inform the school of an absence, a text message with a one time link will be sent to you.  This will allow you to give a reason for the absence for that day.


If you have any questions about school absence or lateness, please contact the school office.



Minutes late per day during the school year

Equals days worth of teaching in the school year

5 minutes per day

3.4 days missed a year = 98.4% Attendance

10 minutes per day

6.9 days missed a year = 97.6% Attendance

15 minutes per day

10.3 days missed a year = 94.6% Attendance

20 minutes per day

13.8 days missed a year = 92.9% Attendance

30 minutes per day

20.7 days missed a year = 89.2% Attendance


