We need to hold personal information about your child. Such data is held in electronic form on our computer system and on paper records, and is necessary to help us with their educational needs. Your Headteacher is responsible for their accuracy and safe-keeping, and we ask that you help to keep your child's records up to date by informing us of any change of circumstances.
School staff must have access to your child's records to enable them to do their jobs. From time to time information is shared with others involved in your child's care and education, if it is necessary. Anyone with access to your child's records has been trained in confidentiality issues and is governed by a legal duty to keep their details secure, accurate and up to date.
We ensure all information about your child is held securely and appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent accidental loss.
At times, we may be required by law to release your child's details to statutory or other official bodies, for example if a court order is presented, or in the case of public educational issues. At other times, you may be required to give written consent before information is released such as the educational reports for insurance, solicitors etc.
To ensure their privacy, we will not disclose your child’s information over the telephone unless we are certain that we are talking to you as the parent/carer. We will not disclose information family and friends unless we have prior written consent, and we do not leave messages with others.
You do have a right to see your child's records if you wish. This must be by appointment only and there is usually no fee payable. Please ask at the school office if you would like further details.
For the full privacy notices, please see downloadable PDFs below:
We do not share information about pupils or staff with any third party without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.
Some suppliers are for staff only, some are for pupils only, some are for both staff and pupils.
Where it is legally required, or necessary (and it complies with data protection law) we may share personal information about persons with:
3P Learning – Reading Eggs (learning resource)
Accelerated Reader (learning resource)
Access Art (teaching resource)
Apple (school i pads)
Banham Zoo (school visits)
Breakfast and After School Club
Boxall (assessment resource)
Capita ESS (Reading Cloud)
Charanga (website)
Communicate and Care (speech and language service)
Creative Cloud (software)
Crick Software - Clickr (learning resource)
DfE Baseline Assessment (assessment resource)
Discovery Coding (learning resource)
DSP Academy - School Photographers
Edenred (National Free School Meal Voucher Scheme)
Espresso (teaching rescource)
Evolve (educational visits)
Facebook (school account)
FFT (Family Fisher Trust) (assessment resource)
Financial organisations (such as Barclays Bank and Payroll services provided by the Local Authority)
GovernorHub (school governors only)
Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse (school visits)
Harper Collins (learning resources)
Health and social welfare organisations
Hippodrome Circus (school visits)
How Hill Trust (school visits)
IPRS (health cover for staff)
JC Computer Technologies (ICT provider)
Junior Librarian (Library Software System)
Kapow (teaching resource)
Language Angels – Nubridge Publishing (learning resource)
Local Authority Finance Department
Local Authority HR Department
Lucid LASS and Lucid Rapid (learning resource)
Little Wandle (phonics learning resource)
Maths Circle Ltd – Times Table Rock Stars (maths learning resource)
Microsoft (office 365 accounts)
National Pupil Database
Nessy (learning resource)
NHS and health professionals
Norfolk County Council
Norfolk Music Service
Norfolk Schools Sports Partnership
Norse (Caterers)
Norse Security (Keyholder information)
Norwich Castle (school visits)
Our auditors (Local Authority)
Our regulator (eg Ofsted)
OSHENS (accident reporting and monitoring)
Perspective Lite (a secure communication tool between schools and Local Authority)
Phoenix Software Platform (Microsoft Windows)
Primary Site (school website)
Professional advisers and/or consultants
Public Health England (for the purposes of supporting the Covid 19 Test and Trace programme)
Pupil’s family and representatives
Perspective Light (Angel solutions)
Pro-coach (Sports provider)
Reading Eggs (learning resource)
Reading Cloud (library resource)
School Money (Eduspot) (Online Payment System)
School Pod (Eduspot) (Management Information System)
Studyladder (learning resource)
Tapestry (EYFS communication resource)
Teachers to Parents (Eduspot) (Text Messaging/Email Service)
Testbase (assessment resource)
The Key (for school leaders)
Times Table Rockstars (maths learning resource)
Twinkl (teaching resource)
Twitter (school account)
Warner Bros Harry Potter Studios (school visits)
White Rose Maths (maths learning resource)
Willow Tree Learning (educational psychologist)
We stage numerous school events and know some parents, carers, family and friends like to take photographs, videos or other visual recordings of the school productions and events.
We have photo guidelines in place with regards to taking and use of images. Please refer to these guidelines which can be found below. At our school we are happy for parents and carers to take photographs and videos at school events for personal use only. These are not to be posted on any social media. Parents, carers, family and friends of the children are not permitted to take photographs or to make videos or other visual recordings for anything other than their own personal and household use. To ensure we protect all members of the school community when parents, carers, family and friends attend events and performances within the school, they should make every effort to adhere to our Photography Standards:
· Make efforts to only show students and the school in a positive light
· Do not take any photographs of students in inappropriate or embarrassing situations
· Do not take any photographs of students in inappropriate states of dress
· Do not take photographs of accidents or injuries
· Focus on the activity, not the child
· Do not take photographs of any person with a “do not photo” instruction
· Photographs must not be shared on social media where they can be accessed by the general public
Not all parents want images of their children to be accessible and shared online. This may be for personal or religious reasons. As a school, we respect the rights of children and their families to have privacy, and we hope that you will support us in doing so. If it comes to the attention of the school that images and videos have been posted on social media, we may need to consider a ban on video recordings and photographic images being taken at such events in the future.