There are many useful sites or links in relation to safeguarding. Here are a few.
The NSPCC – offering support and advice if you have concerns about a child
Talk PANTS – toolkit and information for parents on teaching children how to keep safe. We use this in school
The NSPCC has created a video in British Sign Language with subtitles and aim to teach deaf children about the Underwear Rule and encourages them to share secrets that upset them with a trusted adult.
You can find the video here:
MASH – Multi agency safeguarding hub
Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership
Norfolk Early Help
Norfolk Threshold Guide – this guide shows how decisions are made and how the safeguarding and child protection system works in Norfolk.
Norfolk Threshold Animation – this is a useful video clip, 3 minutes long, to show families and children the support available and how the process works
Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings
Guidance for Safer Working