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Year 4

Year 4 Home Learning


Please use the links below to view or download copies of the Home Learning files. Some documents contain links to websites or to other documents. If you have any problems accessing the learning please contact the Year 4 teachers using the email addresses below:


Miss Brown -


If you cannot open the weekly Learning Projects in Word, you can view them in your browser here.



The Home Learning for this week has been set by your child's new teacher for next year. This Summer Learning will introduce children to their new year group along with a Whole School writing project to get everyone writing all summer long. 


You can find the Summer Learning and Writing Project by clicking here


Key Stage 2 Writing: A Rag to Riches Tale

From Monday 6th July until Friday 17th July, all Key Stage 2 children will be taking part in the same exciting writing activity. The activity shares a number of stories and guides children in writing their own Rags to Riches story.


Children will be guided through the process by videos and audio sections from Mr Harding. Because of this, the files are quite big so can take a little while to load or there may be a short delay between you pressing play on a video and it starting. All of the files can be viewed within your web browser so there is no need to download anything. The lessons are longer than we usually do so you may wish to split them over two days. And remember: you have two whole weeks to work through these lessons and write your story. 


Lesson 1 - Reading Together

Lesson 2 - Similar Stories and Boxing Up

Session 3 - Getting Started

Session 4 - Revising Techniques

Session 5 - Starting your own story

Session 6 - Carrying on and Finishing

Year 4 Roman Day

In place of our usual trip to Norwich Castle Museum, we have put together a range of Roman themed activities including some great resources from the Norfolk Museum Service - you can see more of their great creations on their Youtube channel!

Art Challenges

You can find all the details on the new Art Challenge page. You are also welcome to have a go at the past Challenges too. 

Story Time



Mrs Kaliski will be sharing a book with Year 4 most week days on Youtube. Our first book is Toto the Ninja Cat, with each chapter being shared in its own video. So grab your copy if you have own one at home and be ready to read!


You can find Chapter One by clicking here.

You can find Chapter Two by clicking here.

You can find Chapter Three by clicking here.

You can find Chapter Four by clicking here.

You can find Chapter Five by clicking here.

You can find Chapter Six by clicking here. 
You can find Chapter Seven by clicking here.

You can find Chapter Eight by clicking here
You can find the last chapters by clicking here. 


Over the next few weeks, Mrs Kaliski will be reading the next book in the Toto the Ninja Cat series. All the chapters of this book and the previous book can be found by following the links. Happy reading! 


You can find Chapter One by clicking here.

You can find Chapter Two by clicking here.


In celebration of Greek Day at home, you can also enjoy hearing some Ancient Greek myths by clicking here.



Year 4 Home Learning Week Commencing 8th June 2020

Dear Parents, Carers and everyone at home,

This week we are trying another way of supporting you with your learning by adding audio clips from Miss Brown into the Maths PowerPoint. If you cannot get the audio clips to play from the download, you can view a copy of the PowerPoint online by clicking here

Next week is half-term so no Home Learning will be set. New activities for Home Learning will next be released during the afternoon of Sunday 31st May 2020. We hope you all have a relaxing and safe half-term. 


If you would like to see what some of our school community have been up to with their Home Learning please see our Gallery page by clicking here.
