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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Welcome to the governors section of our school website. We hope this page provides you with all the information you need, if you have any questions about the role of the governing body or would like to enquire about joining the governing body please do get in touch:

Our governing body is made up of a range of people with different skills and experiences and we welcome individuals to join us, who like us are keen to support the school achieve its visions and values empowering our children and families to flourish and grow.

The Hethersett VC Primary School Governing Board, in line with Government requirements follows 3 core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding school leaders to account for the quality of education provided to optimise the achievement of all pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school to ensure money is well spent

There are 6 meetings timetabled for a school year, one per half term. There are no set committees but short term working groups may be used to cover substantial items that would otherwise take up a significant part of ordinary governor board meetings.

The governing board has a constitution that defines the number of posts for each type of governor. The table below shows the number of governors in post and the current number of vacancies on the board:

Governor Type (constitution number)

Term of office

Number of governors in the current constitution

Number of governors in post

Foundation governors

4 years



Parent Governors

4 years



Co-Opted governors

4 years



LA Governor

4 years



Staff governorss

4 years




Governors in post at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year are:

Governor Type


Appointment Date

End of term date

Foundation governors

Rev Michael Kingston

March 2023


Parent Governors

Marian Hardy (Co VICE CHAIR)

October 2022



Louise Colbridge (Co VICE CHAIR)

May 2023


 Annie CussJuly 2024 
 Leanne MorganMarch 2024 

Co-Opted governors

Jo Moir

May 2023



Alexander Spencer

September 2023


 Heidi GingerDecember 202305/12/27
 Paul CorinaMarch 2024 

LA Governor

Duncan Slack

October 2015


Staff governor





In the last school year there were a number of changes to the Board. These can be seen in the table below which also shows attendance for each governor. The government requires this information to be shown on the schools website.



Number in



Month of

resignation from board

if applicable

Number of



while in post

Proportion and %of meetings attended
Foundation3Rev. Michael Kingston 44/6      67%
Parent6Amy HantonAugust 202466/6     100%
  Marian Hardy 55/6      83%
  Louise Colbridge 44/6      67%
  Leanne Morgan 22/3      67%
Co-Opted4Neal GardenerMarch 202444/4     100%
  Jo Moir 66/6     100%
  Alex Spencer 22/6     33%
  Heidi Ginger 33/4      75%
  Paul Corina 22/3      67%
LA1Duncan Slack 66/6      100%
Staff`Marc HardingMay 202433/4      75%


An introduction to the governing body:

Revd Michael Kingston

Foundation Governor 

Term of Office:  20/03/2023

Revd Kingston has previously held the position of Foundation Governor in other schools before moving to Hethersett.  He would like to bring pastoral and listening skills to the Governing body.

Paul Corina

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office:   to 

Paul has a longstanding relationship with Hethersett VC Primary School as his two grown up daughters were educated there. He has lived in Hethersett for 25 years and appreciates how important the school is to the well-being of the local community and vice versa. He has a background in child protection and looked after children having had a 40 year professional career in statutory social work mainly in Norfolk from which he recently retired. In his spare time he enjoys walks with the family Goldendoodle and is also a keen Parkrunner!


Parent Governor

Term of Office:   to 

Alex Spencer

Co-opted Governor

Term of Office:  13/09/23 to 12/09/27

Alex moved to Norwich in 2015 to complete his teacher training at the UEA and has taught in Norfolk ever since. He has experience in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, is a former teacher at Hethersett VC Primary, and brings expertise in curriculum, assessment and pedagogy. Alex spends his free time with his wife and primary aged son, alongside his hobbies of 5-a-side football, playing music and walking his golden Labrador.

Staff Governor  

Term of Office:  to 


Louise Colbridge

Parent Governor

Louise moved to Hethersett in 2022 and has two children. Her daughter is in Year 6 at Hethersett VC Primary. Louise is a leadership coach and works with teachers in the UK and Singapore, where she previously lived with her children.  

Term of Office: 17th May 2023 to 16th May 2027 

Matthew Parslow-Williams

Headteacher Governor

Term of Office: 23/04/14 to present

Matthew has been the Headteacher of Hethersett VC Primary School  for nearly 10 years, before that he was deputy headteacher at two schools for 6 years in total.  Originally from Buckinghamshire, Matthew has now lived and worked in Norfolk since 2007.  He has two children, one child recently graduated from University with other attending high school after attending Hethersett VC Primary.

Matthew enjoys travelling, is passionate about music and keeping fit at the gym.  In addition to this, Matthew is a long suffering West Ham Untied fan (but please do not hold that against him).

Duncan Slack

Authority Governor

Term of Office: 26/10/19 to 25/10/23

Duncan joined the governors as a Local Authority governor in Autumn term 2011. He has two children, one of whom is a pupil at the school. Duncan works for Children’s Services in Norfolk County Council looking after some of their websites.

He is a member of the Premises Committee

Chair of Governors

Term of Office:   to 


Vice Chair of Governors

Term of Office:   to  


Jo Moir 

Co-opted Governor 

Term of Office: 17/05/2023 to 16/05/2027

Jo has worked at Hethersett VC Primary since September 2000, initially as the Secretary and now as the School Support Manager.  She has seen the school go through many changes and milestone events over the years.  Jo is a proud season ticket holder at Ipswich Town FC.

Marian Hardy 
Parent Governor 

Term of Office: 24/10/2022 to 023/10/2026

Marian Hardy is a parent governor joining the governing body in Winter 2022. Marian has lived in Hethersett over 20 years and has two children who attend the school. Marian has worked in IT for over 20 years for a Norwich based company.

