Here at Hethersett Primary School, we value Music because it is a powerful and unique form of communication and expression, which can impact on the way that children feel, think and act. We believe that all children should have the opportunity to develop their enjoyment and love of music as well as their own musical potential. Through use of a progressive scheme of work, we aim to nurture and encourage musical development across school, regardless of their background, ability and additional needs. We want all children to achieve and become the very best versions of themselves.
We teach the National Curriculum mainly through our main scheme of work, Music Express, which ensures that children are developing and building on skills year by year to maximise their learning potential. The essence of Music Express is to create a topic-based, cross curricular approach to support children's learning in music and across other subjects through music.
We want pupils to …
find their singing voices and acquire the language of music, through ongoing, structured learning.
develop intellect and character, which in turn boosts their confidence and self-esteem.
acquire self-discipline, social skills, communication capabilities and a deep awareness of others.
use Music to have a positive effect on other areas of the curriculum.
We are also supported by the Norfolk Music Service in the teaching of peripatetic Music. Year 4 receive whole-class tuition of stringed instruments weekly. Extra-curricular music tuition is also available through our visiting music teacher. Music skills are also taught and practiced across all areas of the curriculum e.g. learning songs to help number facts, clapping beats for syllables in words, as well as creating songs and raps for different topics where appropriate.
To enrich and enhance the children's love of music, we keenly seek out opportunities for musical opportunities throughout the year. These include visitors to the school to perform for the children as well as virtual events across the year groups for children to enjoy within their classroom. We enjoy good links with the Academy and the Academy students have performed musical plays and shows for the children at Hethersett Primary School.
We also actively look into ways we can share our musical talents with the wider community, by taking part in performances throughout the year, including a Christmas carol concert and Summer musical concert for those children who chose to learn an instrument with our visiting music teacher.
In summary, we aim to give a Music a high profile in our school because we appreciate and understand the impact it can have on our pupils from the Early Years to Year 6.