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Science curriculum intent


Here at Hethersett VC Primary School we recognise the value that a high-quality science curriculum can offer to our pupils. All pupils are entitled to access a high quality, broad and balanced science curriculum. We recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life and as one of the core subjects taught in primary schools. As such, at Key Stage 2, the 5 national Curriculum units of work are taught weekly for 1 ½ to 2 hours weekly. At KS 1, the 4 national Curriculum units may be ‘blocked’. At the Foundation Stage Our science teaching aims to give all children an increased knowledge and understanding of our world, whilst developing specific skills associated with enquiry and thinking scientifically. We aim to develop the natural curiosity of the child, encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence. Our medium terms plans specify the knowledge and vocabulary to be taught throughout each unit of work, with some topics supported by knowledge organisers and incorporated into our home learning cycle. A balance of the 5 enquiry types are currently being mapped across all key stages to ensure that a range of investigative processes and skills are taught and learned. Beyond the National Curriculum, we also aim to teach our children about the work of a range of influential Scientists and their achievements, whilst promoting understanding and interest in future possible Science careers and pathways.


Planetarium visit

On Monday 27th June, we were visited by Mark from Starlight Stem who brought along his giant planetarium. The whole school were invited to shows which explored the sun, moon, stars and various planets and their moons. Although it was pretty hot inside, we all learned lots! We  study the Seasons in Reception and KS 1, light and shadows in years 3 and 6 and the main unit of astronomy falls in the year 5 - 'Earth and Space'. Year 5 were invited to bring their parents back for an additional after school session.

Planetarium visit

Emma and Isla from year 1 were so inspired, that they went home and produced a 3D space scene. Well done girls!
