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Year 2

Welcome Penguins!!

We hope you all had a lovely summer and are ready for the challenges of Year 2.

Parent Meeting - please find attached the powerpoint outlining key information for the year ahead.

Reading books


Children should now be bringing home a book they have been reading in their 'Reading Practice' sessions. During their reading sessions, the children will work on their fluency, prosody (expression) and comprehension. These books should be fully decodable for your child and matched to their phonic level, meaning they should be reading 95% of the words without assistance. This is to help with their understanding of the text and confidence in reading. Please read this book with your child at least 3 times a week and record it in their reading record. Children are welcome to read other books at home too!


Penguins will also be bringing home a library book on a Wednesday. This is supposed to be a book that may be above their level which parents or other family members can read to them for pleasure. Please could these books be brought back on a Wednesday for the children to change if desired.


Below are some comprehension questions you can ask your child while reading their decodable book to help with their understanding:
