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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!



History Reading

Let's get cooking!

As part of our Food DT work, next week we will be making fridge bars. The children will be building upon a simple recipe to include some ingredients of their own choice. We will be providing digestive biscuits, butter and melted chocolate in school. Please could your children bring in any additional ingredients they wish to add as per the design sheet they have brought home. 


Please can these come to school in a small snack pot (similar size to a playing card) , so your child has a container to form their fridge bar in and then transport it home. We are making the fridge bars on Tuesday 9th July.


Welcome to Platypus Class 2023 - 2024

Welcome to a new year of learning where we have terms of exciting learning ahead of us. We will be investigating states of matter and how our digestive systems work to name a few of our Science units. This year in Geography we will be exploring rainforests and touring South America. In History we will be learning about the Ancient Greeks and Romans. 


Our Religion & Worldviews will expand our theological thinking as we use Bibles and Qurans to study sacred texts. We will then deepen our Philosophical and Social Science learning by drawing out the key ideas and seeing how these are applied in the lives of people around the world. 

A little about the Quran

This year we will be using Qurans in our Religion & Worldview lessons alongside Bibles. The infographics below will tell you a little about how the Quran is organised and constructed. 

Year 4 2022 - 2023

Presentation Template for Smoothie Project


Across the school, we are focusing on how to effectively structure our writing, allowing us to think more intentionally about the language and features we use. We are doing this through 'traffic light paragraphs and will be spending time to understand the idea behind the structure and becoming familiar with some of the terminology used, such as green, amber and red sentences, along with grammatical terms such as subject and object.


Using our geography topic of Rainforests as a stimulus, this half-term we shall also been looking into persuasive writing and how we can use our language to convince people to look after our natural world. 


This half-term we shall be move our focus to fractions, time and decimals. 


With the Multiplication Tables Check just around the corner, we continue to develop our recall and fluency of our multiplication tables with a dedicated multiplication lesson each Monday. This half-term our focus is the 12 times tables.


We are exploring classification this half-term and are excited to go on our scientific exploration at How Hill!


We are continuing to look at South America and the Rainforest throughout the Spring Term. By looking at the geographical location, human and physical landscape features and climate, we are able to compare this exciting, tropical continent with our local environment. We shall then look at the important role that the rainforest has in our world, the animals that live there and the devastating effects of deforestation.
