Home Page

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Welcome to our Snow Leopard class page. Here you will find your homework pages, helpful documents such as spellings and useful websites.


Homework pages due in Friday 13th December 2024

Maths: Pages 22 and 23. Also a flashback 22.

SPAG: Pages 10 and 11 (determiners and pronouns).

Homework pages due in: Friday 20th December 2024

Maths: Page 24 and a flashback 22. 

SPAG: Pages 12 and 13 (phrases)


Throughout the Autumn Term, Year 6 have been studying the Maya Civilisation, exploring various aspects of their culture. The class has compared the Maya with other civilisations, particularly focusing on their diet, society, and religious beliefs in relation to the Vikings. As part of their Design and Technology work, the students will also be making salsa and guacamole, incorporating elements of Maya cuisine into their learning.

Religion and Worldviews

Year 6 have been studying the Christian creation story from Genesis 1, examining its themes and messages. They have also compared Genesis 1 with Genesis 2, discussing the differences between the two accounts, particularly in how women are portrayed. Moving forward, the class will explore the question of whether humans are meant to care for the world or rule over it, considering the implications of both perspectives.

Our learning in Religion and Worldviews

English and Science

This half term, our English and Science units have focused on Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. The children explored how DNA leads to the inheritance of physical characteristics by using the Mr Men and Little Misses characters as examples. They also completed an investigation to determine which beak would work best on the Galapagos Islands, applying Darwin's theories and analyzing their results. Finally, the students used all of this knowledge to write a biography of Darwin, covering his early life through to the publication of his groundbreaking theory.

Our English and Science work
