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Recognising and Reporting Abuse

How to report your concerns

You can also report abuse or concerns to the Childrens Advice and Duty Service (CADS) on  0344 800 8021. For more information about raising a concern with CADS you can also visit the CADS information page on the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board website –

You can also contact the NSPCC via where you can report it online. You can also phone them on 0808 800 5000

If you are a child or young person under the age of 16 and you are worried about something that is happening to you or to someone you know you can contact childline via or you can phone them confidentially on 0800 1111

The call to childline is free and if you live in the UK the number will not show on your phone bill. They have trained counsellors to support you. Even if you don’t have any credit, you can still call them from your mobile.

Could you spot a child suffering sexual abuse? Find out what to be aware of and if you think it, report it. Even if you’re not completely sure. Visit… for more information.
